Board Meetings
The organizations of NMPP Energy hold regular board meetings throughout the year. Click on each organization's drop-down menu to access information pertaining to upcoming meetings of each organization which is posted prior to meetings as it becomes available.
For a list of meeting dates, please refer to the Calendar of Events. Meeting dates are subject to change.
ACE Information
- ACE Board of Directors Meeting - 10:00 AM (CT) Younes South, Kearney, Nebraska—
- ACE Board of Directors Meeting - 10:00 AM (CT) Younes North, Kearney, Nebraska—
JOC Information
- Joint Operating Committee Meeting 10:00 AM (CT)—
- Joint Operating Committee Meeting 10:00 AM (CT)—
MEAN Information
For the Public Participation Policy applicable to MEAN public meetings, click here. Use this Sign Up Form to sign up for the Public Comment Period which will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
- MEAN Finance Committee Virtual Meeting, Time TBD (CT)—
- MEAN Committee Meetings (Committees & Times TBD) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Board of Directors Meeting, 9:00 a.m. (CT) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Committee Meetings (Committees & Times TBD) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Board of Directors Meeting, 9:00 a.m. (CT) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Finance Committee Virtual Meeting, Time TBD (CT)—
- MEAN Committee Meetings (Committees & Times TBD) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Board of Directors Meeting, 9:00 a.m. (CT) in Kearney, Nebraska—
- MEAN Finance & Risk Oversight Committee Meeting, Time TBD (CT), Lincoln, Nebraska—
NMPP Information
- NMPP Board of Directors Meeting—
- NMPP Board of Directors Meeting—
NPGA Information
- NPGA Board of Directors Meeting 10:00 AM (CT)—
- NPGA Board of Directors Meeting 10:00 AM (CT)—
- NPGA Board of Directors Meeting 10:00 AM (CT)—