MEAN Financial Information

MEAN Financial Information

MEAN’s Director of Finance and Accounting and its Executive Director are authorized by MEAN to communicate with the investor community (including analysts, broker‑dealers and individual and institutional bondholders). Statements by our other employees (which may include constitutionally protected political speech) are not intended to constitute communication to the investor community concerning MEAN's securities or financial condition.

Annual Reports & Audited Financial Statements

Official Statements

General & Supplemental Bond Resolutions

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA) Notice

Notice of Retention of an Independent Registered Municipal Advisor

By publicly posting the following written disclosure on its website, Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska intends those market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule.

The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (“MEAN”) has retained Public Financial Advisors LLC. (“PFM”), as their independent registered municipal advisor (“IRMA”). MEAN will rely on its IRMA to provide advice and representation on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. This certificate may be relied upon until this certificate no longer is posted on MEAN’s website.

Proposals may be addressed to Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska by sending the same to Jamie Johnson, Director of Finance & Accounting, 8377 Glynoaks Dr., Lincoln, NE, 68516. If the proposal received will be seriously considered by MEAN, MEAN will share the document with its IRMA.

If you wish to learn the identity of individuals at our IRMA who will participate in any manner in advising MEAN, including by participating in the management, direction, supervision, or performance of related activities, please contact Chris lover of PFM, telephone: (704) 319-7922 or email:


Bond Ratings

S&P Global RatingsFitch Ratings


MEAN's EMMA Reporting