The Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund ( was recently approved as a new Champion business of NMPP Energy.
Based in Omaha, Neb., NLAF provides school districts and a range of other governmental units effective tools for meeting their cash flow and investment needs. NLAF also offers investors investment management services, education and support.
Formed in 1988, NLAF is a professionally managed fund that enables investors to pool their short-term funds for common investment at money market rates. The Fund provides its investors with an opportunity to maximize their income potential while maintaining safety of principal and liquidity as their primary investment objectives. For more information about how NLAF can meet your needs, call a fund representative at (877) 667-3523.
The NMPP Champions program is for businesses and organizations that support NMPP Energy’s effort to provide products and services to communities served by the NMPP Energy coalition of organizations. For information on becoming a NMPP Energy Champion business, email Mandy Hansen.