NMPP Energy awards City of Superior with Project of Year award

NMPP Energy awarded The City of Superior, Neb., with a Project of the Year Award for its Project BOOM (Building Owner Occupied Momentum) at its Annual Conference in Lincoln, Neb., March 19.

The award is presented annually to honor a project or program in an NMPP Energy member community that creates a more cohesive community, whether it is a project created for the entire community or one that makes it easier for city staff and employees to serve their customers. The City of Superior is a member of the National Public Gas Agency, the wholesale natural gas supplier of NMPP Energy.

The project consisted of the City constructing six new residential homes for low to moderate income individuals in the City. The homes were constructed on the same site where previous substandard houses existed before being demolished. The project was aided by funding from the Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Proceeds from the sale of the houses has led to a second round of construction being approved. Construction is expected to begin spring 2025.

Local suppliers, builders and tradeworkers were used for the construction of the houses to support and promote the local economy. Each house includes energy efficient insulation. The City hopes that reinvestment in the local housing stock will provide the impetus for other builders and developers to invest in the local community.

Along with recognition at NMPP Energy’s Annual Conference, the City received $200, which will be donated to a community project or program of its choice.