NMPP Energy awards Jeff Kohrs of Nebraska City with service award

NMPP Energy awarded Jeff Kohrs, General Manager of Nebraska City Utilities with the Bob Arraj Service Award at the NMPP Energy Annual Conference March 19, 2025.

The award is presented annually to an official or employee who has excelled in service in the utility industry. The award is a memorial tribute to Bob Arraj, former city administrator and utilities superintendent of Kimball, Neb. Arraj’s years of knowledge, insight and expertise in the energy field allowed communities to benefit from numerous energy and service projects.

Kohrs has been a tremendous asset to the Nebraska City community, working at Nebraska City Utilities for 41 years. He served in a variety of roles including data processing supervisor, assistant office manager and office manager. He’s been in his current role as general manager for Nebraska City Utilities since 2018.

He served for nearly 37 years as a member of the Nebraska City Volunteer Fire Department, including as a captain of the department for 12 years and secretary for 15 years. He currently serves on several boards and committees, including the Nebraska City Rotary Club for several years.

He has announced his retirement from Nebraska City Utilities set for August 2025. This award acknowledges his long-term commitment and dedication to Nebraska City Utilities and the Nebraska City community.

As the recipient of the award, Kohrs received $350 which will be designated to go to a local project or program of his choosing.