The National Public Gas Agency held its board meeting in mid-December at NMPP Energy. The Board received several updates, including an overview of the current natural gas market, natural gas supply and storage reports, year-end financial projections and budget report for 2025-26 and a legislative report.
Gas supply management savings
The Board also received an update regarding NPGA’s gas management program, which resulted in a savings of more than $85,000 for months August-October. The savings were the result of competitive bidding of gas supply and capacity payments on pipelines serving NPGA members.
Public Gas Partners update
The Board heard an update on Public Gas Partners Pool 3. Eight members of NPGA are participants in the project, which was created to secure economical, long-term wholesale natural gas supply for its participating municipalities.
NPGA’s participating members receive 2.2 percent of the gas supply from the project. The other Pool 3 participants include the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia, Patriots Energy Group and Southeast Alabama Gas District.
Interstate pipelines report
An interstate pipeline report, including potential rate case activities, regarding Northern Natural Gas and Southern Star Central Gas pipeline was provided to the Board.
The next NPGA Board meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 at NMPP Energy.