The four organizations of NMPP Energy each recently elected officers for fiscal year 2023-24 at their respective annual meetings. The fiscal year for each organization runs April 1-May 31. Here is a run-down of each organization’s elections and committee appointments:
Nebraska Municipal Power Pool
Those re-elected as officers were:
- Mike Palmer, electric superintendent, Sidney, Neb, president;
- Edward Dunn, city superintendent, Grant, Neb., vice president;
- Bill Hinton, electric superintendent, Kimball, Neb., secretary/treasurer.
Those elected to the 16-member NMPP board to represent their population category were:
20,000-plus population: Travis Burdett, assistant utilities director, Grand Island, Neb.
More than 5,000-less than 20,000: Brent Nation, city manager, Fort Morgan, Colo.
5,000 or less: Bill Hinton, electric superintendent, Kimball, Neb., Randy Woldt, utility superintendent/administrator, Wisner, Neb.
Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska
Those re-elected as officers were:
- Tom Goulette, city administrator/utility superintendent, West Point, Neb., chair
- Tom Ourada, city administrator, Crete, Neb., vice chair
- Darrel Wenzel, chief executive officer, Waverly (Iowa) Utilities, secretary/treasurer
Those re-elected as at-large Executive Committee members:
- Bill Hinton, electric superintendent, Kimball, Neb.
- Mike Palmer, electric superintendent, Sidney, Neb.
- Adam Suppes, electric superintendent, Delta, Colo.
- Brent Nation, city manager, Fort Morgan, Colo.
National Public Gas Agency
Those re-elected to one-year terms as officers were:
- Chris Anderson, city administrator, Central City, Neb., chair
- Bob Lockmon, utility superintendent, Stuart, Neb., vice chair
- Randy Woldt, utilities superintendent, Wisner, Neb., secretary/treasurer
Executive Committee appointments (along with the NPGA chair and vice chair):
- Randy Woldt, utilities superintendent, Wisner, Neb.
- Lenard Schaefer, public works director, Stromsburg, Neb.
- Brent Nation, City Manager, Fort Morgan, Colo.
Public Alliance for Community Energy
Those re-elected as ACE Board of Director officers were:
- Andrew Devine, city administrator, Albion, Neb., chair
- Jeremy Tarr, city administrator, Plainview, Neb., vice chair
- Mike Palmer, electric superintendent, Sidney, Neb., secretary/treasurer.
Those elected to the at-large ACE Executive Committee were:
- Chris Rector, city administrator, Holdrege, Neb.
- Kellie Crowell, city clerk/treasurer, Ravenna, Neb.
- Raquel Felzien, city clerk/treasurer, Franklin, Neb.
- Duane Hoffman, public works director, Oxford, Neb.
- Stan Clouse, accounts manager, Nebraska Public Power District